This is a Character file only. She does not have a Conversation file.
Also, I have not adjusted spawn locations or frequency, so do this in the Mods tab.
To have a look, go to the Mods option, select the Appearance tab, switch Gender to Female, and Import ” Nichole_Amiston.pechar”.
Pedev has fixed up the imports, and that I gather will be in a future build. For now you can see what “Nichole Amiston” looks like, and her name is correct, but her date of birth, country of origin and # for her appearance options are wrong.
For the record, here are the settings I used for “Nichole Amiston”, Red Heaven variant. Other variants are possible of course, and I encourage you to do better! As usual, “/” are variant options.
DOB 8 September 1987 Country USA Skin 7 Head 5 Hair 115/3/47/104 Hair Color 2 Eyes 51/31/19 Eye Color 2 Eyebrows 33 Eyebrows Color 21 Nose 26/23 Mouth 6 Mouth Color 12 Tits 1 Tits Size 4 Pubes 7 Pubes Color 21 Nails 6 Earrings 1 Necklace 4/0 Bracelet 4/0 Glasses 0 Body 2
“Nichole Amiston” in RL – wink – has small tattoos but I did not include them.
Experiment and enjoy.
Mod author: Hozchelaga